[Vv] Functionality of the fusion opacity slider

David Sarrut David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Jul 22 11:53:33 CEST 2010

Hello Shruti,

you are right, the fusion tool is buggy. If I remember well, it (almost)
works when the fusion image as pixel value in [0:1000]. We must rethink this
tools that was initially intended to display dose distribution on a CT image
and not really to fuse two images in a very general way. Could you please
indicate us for what kind of usage you want to use this tool ?


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:20, Shirhatti, Shruti (GE Global Research,
non-GE) <Shruti.Shirhatti at ge.com> wrote:

>  Dear All,
> As per my understanding, the opacity slider functions as following
> When a fusion image is added and the slider is at the left extreme, opacity
> is 0, ie the base image is completely visible, right extreme implies the
> fusion image is completely visible and in between is a combination.
> eg: halfway through the slider means both base and fusion images are
> equally visible
> Is my understanding correct?
> Im still a little confused as to what the opacity slider is doing?
> I tried several datasets but it varies from image to image
> An image that is clearly visible at a certain window and level when loaded
> independently is not visible at all when I load it as a fusion on another
> image inspite of setting the window and level correctly and moving the
> opacity slider to the right extreme.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Shruti

David Sarrut, Phd
Chargé de recherche CNRS
Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
28 rue Laënnec, 69373 Lyon cedex 08
Laboratoire CREATIS-LRMN UMR CNRS 5220, Inserm U 630
Tel : 04 78 78 51 51 / 06 74 72 05 42
 "2 + 2 = 5,  for extremely large values of 2"
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