[Vv] Reg: Access to Data

Joël Schaerer joel.schaerer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 17:28:27 CEST 2010

To complete Simon's answer,the GetScalarComponentAsDouble is quite slow,
so use the GetScalarPointer <cid:part1.07010905.03080400 at gmail.com>()
method instead if you do a lot of access to the data and if speed is a

If you do a lot of processing, you could also consider doing your
processing in ITK like we do ourselves. You can check out the resample
tool to see an example of that.


On 07/21/2010 04:59 PM, Simon Rit wrote:
> Hi Kumar,
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Dr.KUMAR RAJAMANI
> <k_rajamani at cb.amrita.edu> wrote:
>> Dear All
>> I would like to know how exactly the image data is read into VV
>> What data-structure is used to store the image data internally ?
> The image is a vvImage object which has a member, mVtkImages, which
> points to the data in vtk format (vtkImageData*). You can refer to the
> vtk doc for more information on that structure. It is read via
> vvImageReader, which calls itk::ImageFileReader.
>> Which Class/method needs to be used to retrieve the data ?
>> Is it possible to get the pixel value at a particular (x,y,z) or (x,y,z,t) location ?
> Yes. You can use member GetScalarComponentAsDouble of vtkImageData.
> Refer to the vtk doc or to the example in vvSlicer.cxx.
> Good luck!
> Simon
>> Thanks in advance for your help
>> Warm Regards
>> Kumar
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Joël Schaerer, PhD
Post-doctoral researcher

Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
Service de radiothérapie
28 rue Laënnec
69373 LYON CEDEX 08

Tel: 04 78 78 51 50
     06 26 65 29 54


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