[pubgit-commits-list] creaMaracasVisu branch vtk9itk5wx3-macos updated. 890bb3efd5a81863bf12be16275b2584f5058e4d

root root at tux.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Aug 10 18:33:27 CEST 2023

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Medical image visualization library".

The branch, vtk9itk5wx3-macos has been updated
       via  890bb3efd5a81863bf12be16275b2584f5058e4d (commit)
      from  16029901b062026079866f28bf8c1822fb07a7c1 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 890bb3efd5a81863bf12be16275b2584f5058e4d
Author: Eduardo DAVILA <davila at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
Date:   Thu Aug 10 18:33:14 2023 +0200

    #3534 Mesh_Application optimization


Summary of changes:
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/FreePlane.bbg                     |   8 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/MeshContours.bbg                  |  56 ++-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/MeshContours.bbs                  |   4 +
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/MeshContours_Widget.bbg           |  18 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_Application.bbg              | 563 +++++++++++++----------
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_Application.bbs              | 167 ++++---
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyCut.bbg            | 190 +++++---
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyCut.bbs            |  34 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyPatch.bbg          | 180 +++++---
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyPatch.bbs          |  34 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyPatchSimple.bbg    | 176 ++++---
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyPatchSimple.bbs    |  38 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyRegionGrowing.bbg  | 176 ++++---
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplyRegionGrowing.bbs  |  34 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplySurface.bbg        | 197 +++++---
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/Mesh_tool_ApplySurface.bbs        |  45 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/PolyDataToActor_Widget.bbg        |  39 +-
 bbtk/bbs/boxes/PolyDataToActor_Widget.bbs        |   5 +-
 bbtk/src/bbcreaMaracasVisuwxVtkBaseView_Info.cxx |  22 +-
 bbtk/src/bbcreaMaracasVisuwxVtkBaseView_Info.h   |   5 +
 bbtk/src/bbmaracasvisuShowNPoints.cxx            |   9 +-
 bbtk/src/bbmaracasvisuViewerNV.cxx               |   5 +-
 bbtk/src/bbmaracasvisuViewerNV.h                 |   2 +
 23 files changed, 1248 insertions(+), 759 deletions(-)

Medical image visualization library

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