[pubgit-commits-list] bbtk branch vtk8itk5wx3-macos updated. 4019122f52d1fe1736c6c39c7d85f4b476f9162d

root root at tux.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Fri Jul 22 14:55:58 CEST 2022

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Black Box Tool Kit".

The branch, vtk8itk5wx3-macos has been updated
       via  4019122f52d1fe1736c6c39c7d85f4b476f9162d (commit)
      from  5c9721d401ef00ce2196ff5ea60bfbe02d8a8e87 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 4019122f52d1fe1736c6c39c7d85f4b476f9162d
Author: Eduardo DAVILA <davila at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
Date:   Fri Jul 22 14:55:54 2022 +0200

    #3489 vtk9itk5wx3-macos


Summary of changes:
 packages/itkvtk/src/itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h        | 2 ++
 packages/vtk/src/bbtkSimpleUtilities.h                | 3 +++
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkAutoCrop.h                      | 2 ++
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkBinaryOperations.h              | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkCleanExternalPlane.h            | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkConcatImages.h                  | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkCreateImage.h                   | 2 ++
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkExtractVtkImageFilter.h         | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkFlip.h                          | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D.xml | 4 +++-
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageBoundaries.h               | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageCastToUShort.h             | 2 ++
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageContinuousDilate3D.xml     | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageContinuousErode3D.xml      | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageDilateErode3D.xml          | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageGaussianSmooth.xml         | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkImageVtkProperties.h            | 2 ++
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkInversCrop.h                    | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkMIPCreator.h                    | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkMarchingCubes.h                 | 2 ++
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkMetaImageReader.h               | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkMetaImageWriter.h               | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkProbeFilter.h                   | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkRescaleSlopeIntercept.h         | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkSegmentationConnectivity.h      | 2 ++
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkSliceImage.h                    | 3 ++-
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkStructuredPointsReader.h        | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkTemporalPicker.h                | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkUnMosaic.h                      | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkUnaryOperations.h               | 1 +
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkVecImageGaussianSmooth.h        | 4 +++-
 packages/vtk/src/bbvtkVolumeRenderer.h                | 1 +
 packages/wxvtk/src/wxvtkImageViewer2.h                | 1 +
 33 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Black Box Tool Kit

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