[pubgit-commits-list] creaMaracasVisu branch vtk7itk4 updated. 4645482ed1eae5aaabdd813b784acafd13c41179

root root at tux.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Mon Jul 24 16:22:36 CEST 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Medical image visualization library".

The branch, vtk7itk4 has been updated
       via  4645482ed1eae5aaabdd813b784acafd13c41179 (commit)
      from  132c3c066a857fbd0c3338d405b2bbc28d407ffc (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 4645482ed1eae5aaabdd813b784acafd13c41179
Author: Eduardo DAVILA <davila at localhost.localdomain>
Date:   Mon Jul 24 16:22:22 2017 +0200

    #3109 creaMaracasVisu Bug New Normal  -  branch vtk7itk4 compilation with vtk7


Summary of changes:
 lib/GUI/Base/VolumeRenderer/volumerendererdata.cxx |   7 ++
 lib/GUI/Base/VolumeRenderer/volumerendererdata.h   |   7 ++
 .../VTKObjects/ViewerWidgets/imageplanewidget.cxx  |  80 ++++++++++++++-
 .../VolumeRenderer/volumerenderermanager.cxx       |  29 +++++-
 .../VolumeRenderer/volumerenderermanagerdata.cxx   |  22 ++++
 .../CutModule/interface/vtkInteractorStyleCutter.h |   8 ++
 .../wxWindows/Contour/ContourCrownWidget.cxx       |  33 +++++-
 .../wxWindows/Contour/ContourExtractData.cxx       |  32 +++++-
 .../interface/wxWindows/widgets/ContourView.cxx    |   8 ++
 .../src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/LineView.cxx   |   7 +-
 .../src/interface/wxWindows/widgets/PointView.cxx  |   7 ++
 .../ThresholdImageView/ColorLayerImageView.cxx     |   9 ++
 .../widgets/ThresholdImageView/LayerImageBase.cxx  |  43 ++++++++
 .../wxWindows/widgets/WidgetShowNPoints.cxx        |   7 ++
 .../wxWindows/widgets/vtkClipping3DDataViewer.cxx  |  61 +++++++++++
 .../wxWindows/widgets/vtkClosePolyData.cxx         | 113 ++++++++++++---------
 .../interface/wxWindows/widgets/vtkClosePolyData.h |  25 +++++
 .../widgets/wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor.h          |   8 ++
 .../wxVTKRenderWindowInteractorEditContour.h       |   8 ++
 19 files changed, 455 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

Medical image visualization library

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