[ICCR 2024] Abstract deadline extended to February 4

ICCR 2024 contact at iccr2024.org
Mon Jan 29 10:30:34 CET 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The abstract deadline for the XXth International Conference on the use 
of Computers in Radiation therapy (ICCR) has been extended to the end of 
this week, February 4. The instructions 
<http://iccr2024.org/abstract.html> for the 2-4 pages short papers are 
on the ICCR 2024 website <http://iccr2024.org> and the submission portal 
<https://iccr2024.sciencesconf.org/> is open.

We look forward to your contributions!

David Sarrut & Simon Rit, ICCR 2024 co-chairs


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