[Dcmlib] Current State Question

David Witten wittend at wwrinc.com
Fri Jan 19 17:34:28 CET 2007

I am a long time admirer of the work done on this project, but I have 
not used it lately and have some questions.

I would like to use gdcm, preferably through the Python wrapper, and 
ideally with wxPython 2.5, to create some small utilities.  For example, 
I would like to be able to scan CDs for DICOMDIRs to catalog meta 
information from the DICOM content.  After browsing the archives, 
website, CVS, and related links, I am still somewhat confused about 
where to begin.

My main questions are these:

1) Which version of gdcm is most likely to allow a middling C/C++/Py 
programmer to create some illusion of productivity, with a limited 
amount of heartache?

2) On Window$, are compiler versions beyond VS6 likely to work?  If so, 
which and at what expense to my sanity (such as there is).

3) To what extent is the swig python wrapper working?

4) If #3, which versions are compatible - the web pages imply 2.2, but 
that may be too long ago & far away for my needs.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

-- Dave Witten

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