[Dcmlib] executable fail to initialize with error code 0xc0000005, application terminated

Crane in Sky yzduxm at tom.com
Wed Jun 7 11:37:54 CEST 2006

Hi, there,

	I compiled the example program PrintFile.cxx with libgdcm.dll, everything goes well under the environment of MSYS and Eclipse and DEV-CPP IDE respectively. When I run the application example, it gives out an error window with the information "application program error, application program normal initialization fail (0xc0000005), click 'confirm' to terminate ", under each environment. Does anyone could explain this error? Is the error from gdcm library or from the compilation of the application. under Msys,the compiling command is:
g++ -Iinclude-path -Llibrarypath -lgdcm.dll -o printfile printfile.cxx  or
g++ -Iinclude-path -Llibrary-path -o printfile printfile.cxx path-of-libgdcm/libgdcm.dll

the 1st command outputs many undefined reference errors while the 2nd command no error.

          Crane in sky  2006-06-07

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