[Dcmlib] gimp vs Dicom images

Jean-Pierre Roux Jean-Pierre.Roux at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Oct 20 14:28:34 CEST 2005

Hi, eveybody!

The recent version of gimp (at least the one I have : version 2.2.8) are 
able to display 'simple' dicom images.
(simple : no oddity in the header, uncompressed, no 'Palette Color', etc).

If we gdcmRead()/gdcmWrite() - use Example/ReWrite executable- any of 
these gimp compatible image, we get a 'gimp breaker' image.
Unpleasant, isn't it ?
(I can't find out what gimp disagrees on :-( )

-> Good news : XMedCon opens this (gdcm rewritten) images without 
trouble , so does ImageJ (from NIH)


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