[Dcmlib] GDCM usage

rama rama at robots.ox.ac.uk
Mon Mar 14 14:11:26 CET 2005


I found that GDCM library will be useful in parsing DICOM files. 
Especially I found that it will be useful in parsing DICOMDIR files for 
knowing Patients, Studies, Images etc. The documentation on the web 
looks well. But I am not able to use the toolkit in my application.

I am working on WindowsXP (recently came from SuSE) using MS VS .NET 
2003 compiler. I downloaded the self extracting exe file for windows and 
I installed the libraries and DLLs on my system. I also installed the 
source code.

I had a problem in using the toolkit. That is,

when I included the .LIB files in my application and when I used one of 
the classes in my code by including its corresponding header file. My 
application is generating a .LIB (static library) file instead of 
generating a .EXE file.

My project settings seem to be in tact but instead I am getting a .LIB 
file instead of  getting a .EXE file when I included the GDCM's .LIB 
files in my application. Otherwise I am getting a .EXE file, which is 
fine, but I could not understand why my application is generating a .LIB 
file instead of .EXE file. I am not being shown any warnings even.

so, is there any specific way of using the toolkit. Can anyone give any 


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