[Dcmlib] dummy project

Jean-Michel Rouet jean-michel.rouet at philips.com
Wed Jul 27 11:10:28 CEST 2005

> placed there I do: ccmake ../dummy, I point GDCM_DIR to 
> /home/olivier/GDCM/gdcm/ and configure. cmake indicates me taht the 
> file GDCMConfig.cmake is not present in /home/olivier/GDCM/gdcm and 
> the reason is that the file is called GDCMConfig.cmake.in. I rename 
> it and repeat de ccmake operation where when I confure it writes:

OOOps, GDCM_DIR should point to the binary dir of gdcm, i.e. 
/home/olivier/GDCM/gdcmBin (if I remember well where you compiled gdcm)

It's a big mistake to rename the file GDCMConfig.cmake.in !!!! 
What a strange way of solving problems! 
The GDCMConfig.cmake.in file is an input file needed to generate
automatically the gdcmBin/GDCMConfig.cmake file according to
your local installation (i.e. paths).

So now, can you start again the gdcm installation (because you modified 
the .in file), and start again the configure process of dummy (because you 
pointed GDCM_DIR to a wrong location), and tell us what happen?

Hope this helps,

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