[Dcmlib] DEBUG_ON

Luca Picello luca.picello at libero.it
Thu Jul 14 12:24:06 CEST 2005

Hello everybody again,
trying to understand my troubles with gdcm I switched GDCM_DEBUG flag to ON.
compiling I have problems with

#define str2num(str, typeNum) *((typeNum *)(str))

defined in gdcmPixelReadConvert.cxx only but used also in gdcmFile.cxx

Borland C++ 5.6.4 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2002 Borland
Error E2268 Z:\gdcm\src\gdcmFile.cxx 1717: Call to undefined function 
in function File::ReadAndSkipEncapsulatedBasicOffsetTable()
Error E2108 Z:\gdcm\src\gdcmFile.cxx 1718: Improper use of typedef 
'uint32_t' in
 function File::ReadAndSkipEncapsulatedBasicOffsetTable()
*** 2 errors in Compile ***

adding it just before with a volgaris cut&paste the compilation process 
goes on.
add it where you prefer :-)


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