[Dcmlib] Loading twice the same File

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu Jul 7 17:37:52 CEST 2005

> I don't agree with the use of the Modified flag.
> It's used in VTK because we have a pipeline... but in gdcm, we can't 
> have this
> mechanism (it has been discussed in an older mail).

what ? ref/link please ...

> Moreover, if the user change it's file with an other soft and would 
> reread its
> file with gdcm (without closing this application), the file isn't re read.
> I think that's bad !

I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about ?

App 1:

open foo.dcm with gdcm
write over foo.dcm

the reader has it's own Modified bool

App 2:

open foo.dcm
-> Modified is set to false... reading happen

The static context only happen for the dictionary (loaded in the dll)...

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