[Dcmlib] Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003 link errors

Jean-Michel Rouet jean-michel.rouet at philips.com
Wed Apr 13 08:56:24 CEST 2005


for a reason or another, I just sent you a reply on this subject this 
morning, but infortunately my mail was rejected by the dcmlib list 
management software (message too big ?)
Did you received it ?

In case you did not, in short, the answer was:
        -> have a look to the following message: (sorry it is in french)

        -> add 
IF (WIN32)
into <path to gdcm cvs sources>/src/CMakeLists.txt, just before the line 

Please tell us if that works.

On 13/04/2005 05:03:04 Sean McInerney wrote:
>Pardonne moi. Je ne parle pas français.
>Using MS Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003.
>Using GDCM pulled from CVS.
>Using VTK 4.4.2.
>Failure to build static gdcm/vtkGdcm linking with static VTK.
>Failure to build shared gdcm/vtkGdcm linking with static VTK.
>Succeed to build shared gdcm/vtkGdcm linking with shared VTK ...
>*except* that target 'gdcmTest' fails cannot find vtkRendering.lib.
>I am guessing these problems are traceable to the CMakeLists.txt files.
>Perhaps the link libraries need to be added or reordered ... or could
>this be my own error???
>In particular, I wish to build a static vtkGdcm linking with static VTK.
>Any wisdom related to this build environment and these requirements will
>be greatly appreciated.
>I am attaching the linker's error output for 'vtkWriteDicom' as an
>example (the link error is the same for all).
>gdcm.lib(gdcmJpeg16.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
>__imp__gdcm_jpeg16_jpeg_resync_to_restart referenced in function "void 
>gdcm_jpeg16_jpeg_stdio_src(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *,class 
>std::basic_ifstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > *,class 
>gdcm::JPEGFragment *,int)" 
>DU?$char_traits at D@std@@@std@@PAVJPEGFragment at gdcm@@H at Z)
> ....

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