[Dcmlib] GDCM gets wrong spacing between

derong denis_hudr at sina.com
Thu Nov 11 21:08:27 CET 2004

Hi, Mathieu,
I think we can use one sample DICOM filename to retrieve all the DICOM files
under the same directory that have the same seriesInstance UID and series
number as the sample DICOM file. how do you think about it?
I found gdcm::Header doesn't directly provide interface to get SeriesUID and
SeriesNumber. The function to get orientation of imageplane is protected.
However, we can use GetEntryByNumber to get those things as long as i know
these tags.
how to contribute the codes to gdcm? 
By the way, my email account provider notices me that ur email SMTP server
sets wrong HELO field. Such as:
*	HELO office 

*	HELO mailserver 

*	HELO localhost.localdomain 
are wrong setting.
I don't know what's wrong with my email account. Just use it because it
provides 1.5G storage.
Dennis Hu
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