[Dcmlib] Pixel Spacing

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Tue Dec 21 15:57:38 CET 2004


	Suite a un mail sur ITK list, j'ai le probleme suivant dans gdcm on lis 
le pixel spacing comme ca: "y_spacing\\x_spacing".

Mais d'apres le DICOM supplement:


Pixel Spacing (0028,0030) 2 Physical distance in the patient between the 
center of each pixel, specified by a numeric pair - adjacent row spacing 
(delimiter) adjacent column spacing, in mm. Note the two values shall be 
the same for 1\1 aspect ratio. See C.8.X.1.8

Donc c'est "row spacing" first...

Ps: dans les trucs/astuces a retenir pour plus tard j'ai trouve:


I don't really understand what "Pixel Spacing" and "Imager Pixel
Spacing" mean. I have a DICOM from TROPHY. It doesn't have "Pixel
Spacing" tag, but it has "Imager Pixel Spacing" tag. I want to know
the length(in mm) between Point_A and Point_B. Cound I calculate the
length  using "Imager Pixel Spacing"?

something like:

dLen := Sqrt(Sqr((StartPoint.X - EndPoint.X) / * fHPixelSize ) +
     Sqr((StartPoint.Y - EndPoint.Y) / * fVPixelSize));

fVPixelSize / fHPixelSize => (Imager Pixel Spacing) row spacing value
/ column spacing value

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