What to do if my strain maps fill LV cavity? | Troubleshooting, How do I.. | CMRSegTools
What to do if my strain maps fill LV cavity?
01/02/10 Categories : Troubleshooting | How do I..
If you experience that kind of problem, with a color map filling not only myocardial area but also LV cavity like in this case...
If you experience that kind of problem, with a color map filling not only myocardial area but also LV cavity like in this case...
you need to go back in the previous steps.

1- check the the ROI size (step 2)
ROI should not be too close to myocadium, like in this example...

but should be larger, like here, located approximately 1.5 - 2 cm from epicardium)

2- then, check the length of the radii that are displayed when defining the RV-LV junction
don’t click to close to the contour template ..

but click away from the contour (approx. 1cm ) so that the radii segments are always intersecting the epicardium contours during the whole cardiac cycle.

you need to go back in the previous steps.

1- check the the ROI size (step 2)
ROI should not be too close to myocadium, like in this example...

but should be larger, like here, located approximately 1.5 - 2 cm from epicardium)

2- then, check the length of the radii that are displayed when defining the RV-LV junction
don’t click to close to the contour template ..

but click away from the contour (approx. 1cm ) so that the radii segments are always intersecting the epicardium contours during the whole cardiac cycle.