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MUST Research Project Sport & Health Imaging Research

Oral presentation: 19th Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions (Los Angeles, CA, USA. 27-30 January 2016)

« Apparent Diffusion coefficient (ADC), T1 and T2 quantitative indexes of the myocardium in athletes before, during and after extreme mountain ultra-marathon: correlation with myocardial damages and inflammation biomarkers ».

Scientific paper: Plose One 2016 Aug 31;11(8):e0161855

« Shear-Wave Elastography Assessments of Quadriceps Stiffness Changes prior to, during and after Prolonged Exercise: A Longitudinal Study during an Extreme Mountain Ultra-Marathon ».

Scientific paper: Front Physiol. 2017 Jan 5;7:664. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00664.

« Extreme Mountain Ultra-Marathon Leads to Acute but Transient Increase in Cerebral Water Diffusivity and Plasma Biomarkers Levels Changes. »

more to come…