Key Features

-fully integrated within OsiriX as a plugin
-built to easily integrate new C++ compiled algorithms
-handle all kind of CMR images, including post-gadolinium LGE images, but also T2w images, T1 and T2 mapping images
-specifically designed to process quickly 3D stacks (LGE images) with contour propagation
-minimized user interactions
-true interactive contour segmentation
-interactive histogram
-interactive results

Myocardial contouring made easy

-using a fast automated segmentation framework (B-spline Explicit Active Surfaces BEAS (Barbosa D. IEEE Trans Image Process 2012;21(1)241-51)
-or alternatively can be performed manually
-can be automatically expanded to 3D stacks

Multiple segmentation algorithms

1-standard methods:
-interactive histogram-based thresholding
-mean± x SD (requires to chose a remote region)
-FWHM (full width half maximum):
*standard (automatic maximum calculation (
*region (use of
max and a remote region)
*available in 2D and 3D

2-More sophisticated methods:
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
more to come...
My Image

Interactive results display

Statistical results (MI, MVO and remote regions) interactively calculated by sectors, slice (2D), stack (3D) global & by sectors, in %, area (cm2), weight(g) or volume (ml)

My Image

Saving and exporting results

-displays and results can be saved in dicom or .png, .tif, .jpg, pdf images, quicktime movies, or exported in .xls files
-auto-saving within OsiriX
-auto-loading capabilities of previous
CMRSegTools analysis within OsiriX
© 2017 P.Croisille. CREATIS; CNRS UMR5220 ; Inserm U1026 ; INSA-Lyon; Université Jean-Monnet, Université de Lyon (France).